Monday, October 4, 2010

Another day in Etosha

The next morning we went back to Nebrownii to see who had discovered the dead zebra.
This turned out to be a pretty big list

The lions had finally found it and claimed it full bellies at lastIs this some sort of kiss of death or something?They weren't the only ones around though. Scores of jackals and hyenas hung around waiting for the lions to be distracted.

At one point, something set them all off, and they took off running
No idea what set them off, but it sure got them goingHyenas are such interesting animals. Ugly to be sure, but fascinating

With full bellies, many of the lions returned to the watering hole
Absolutely beautiful in the morning light

They were quite playful too
I especially like this sequence

ah, peace again

full, full belly
Peace returns to the watering hole
We also went back to see if there was anything new at Gemsbokvlatke
On the way, another ostrich
The watering hole simply had more zebra
but they also were very beautiful in the morning light
The rush for the watering hole was amazing, too bad it was directly into the light
The landscape was very simple there, but beautiful in a waterless way
These guys were just out wandering
Back at Okaukuejo we begged to stay just a little longer
Oryx, springbok, and kudu

It didn't take very much to set these guys off, which I guess is a pretty good survival mechanism, if exhausting. If one got startled, it set the entire watering hole into a frenzy to flee
But, peace would return and everyone would wander back again
Now it's zebra and wildebeest
This black backed jackal was taking a nap when some rude tourist woke him up
Wildebeests have this wonderful almost shimmery coat
Some sort of crane in and amongst the springbok
So many animals!Beautiful Oryx
Springbok sparring
Like I said before, all you have to do is sit by a watering hole, and they come to you
Lined up zebras covered in lines
and of course and elephantJan wanted this picture for a potential Gap advertisement. It didnt turn out super great, but it is kind of fun
and a giraffe comes to join the party
This is Douglas and Jessica, one of the couples in our group. They were pretty serious about photography and had all the gadgets to proove it
Such big ears this kudu lady has
It was time to go, but I desperately wanted a picture of a giraffe drinking in daylight.
Giraffes are pretty wary, this guy kept teasing me, and the bus was about to leave!
Finally! click, run!

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