Sunday, October 3, 2010


In the middle of the Aus mountains lies the capital city of Windhoek
Namibia was a German colony and they were pretty nasty at first (like most colonists I guess). After killing off the majority of the main tribe, they built this church in a gesture of peace. ha
Above is the new history museum being built
Below is the old museum, as well as German fort.
This is some bureaucratic building, with pretty gardens
I liked this reflection
We got there on Sunday, so most stuff was closed. These die hard curio vendors were out though
Lots of wooden hippos for sale. Funny in a desert country.
Thees ladies are of the Himba tribe. They live in Northern Namibia herding cattle. The most noticeable thing though, is their coloring. They cover themselves in a paste of animal fat and ochre. It gives them this coppery glow and is quite beautiful. Not that my picture show it because I snuck it from a distance, but google them and you will see.

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