Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Solitaire, Namibia. Where the desert rules. ha ha haWe ended our amazing drive in a place called the Solitaire Guest Farm. It was one of my absolute favorite places to stay on the entire trip.
I wish we could have stayed there for so much longer. But alas, an afternoon was all we had. Gudrun, Sebastian and I took a walk in the early evening
It was so beautiful there
There were trails up in these mountains that I wish I had the time to explore

Look at the ratio of thorn to leaf. Who in their right mind would want to eat that?
As the sun went down, it began to get prettier and prettier
This hill, and the trees on it seamed to glow
I never did get a picture of a baobab (a big disappointment, let me tell you), but this looks like its tiny cousin
I love this place!
The grass almost glowed

We all climbed a little hill to watch the sun set. The view in the other direction turned out to be much more interesting

If you look hard, you can see part of the farm at the base of that hill
Gudrun and Sebastian, looking very sweet

Amazing place

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