Saturday, June 30, 2012

Windows have arrived

The windows have arrived.  All 73 of them.

 Trial run
 Tom's son Grant found an even better thing

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Strawberry picking with my girls

Oregon Strawberries are the best of course.  This month, Katherine and I met a couple of times to take the girls picking.
Alexandria being adorable after one hard day of gorging
 and being helpful the next time
 Happy strawberry faces

Sunday, June 10, 2012

moving into summer

So many raspberries!
 and the blackberries I was afraid I had stripped in my attempt to save them are going nuts
Isn't this pretty?  It's the ceiling of the screened in porch
And the deck is up
 The mantle too, with the masonry started

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Nope, not planning on joining the circus

After Cirque du Soleil came to town, Serin decided to take a silks class in Portland.   I joined her today just for kicks

I have to say, it was really fun.  Some of the things obviously harder than they look, but also... some of them are actually easier than you might expect.  We shall see how I feel tomorrow though.  :)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Classes this spring

Spring 2012

My CCC biology 102 class

PCC Biology 102

PCC Biology 101H