Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas adventure

You may be asking why.
I definitely am. You see, it was a very interesting Christmas Eve eve. Our beautiful little tree, as it slowly heated up next to the wood stove... when you expect the lovely scent of pine to come wafting out... started to remind us of a miserably wet dog. After much consideration, we realized that the damn thing had been pissed on by a dog. Our Christmas tree smells like dog piss! Dad tried the air freshener to cover it up, but it ended up smelling even worse than the dog.
Then, the power went out. Just to remind me of the joys of winter in the middle of nowhere. Now, you may be thinking I am saying that sarcastically, but I'm actually serious. I love losing electricity. It gets wonderfully quiet. There's no city sounds because we are 7 miles east of the last stinking town. The refrigerator is suddenly quiet, and all you can hear is the rain on the roof. And so... no TV, no computer... we turned on the battery powered radio and talked till we fell asleep.
Then, it snowed.

Dad was freaking, the roast needed to cook 6 hours and it was approaching noon with the power still dead.
I went down to visit my favorite neighbors. Charlie and Emily. Said hello to the girls, Nikki, Lottie, and Angel.

The power finally came on and Keith and Dad cut the roast down a little (it had been a whopping 15 pounds!) and threw it in the oven.
Kendra's Son Jay and his lovely family came for dinner.

Jay and Christy
The kidlets were eager for pie.
Keith goofing off with Grandma's traditional gift of airplane goodies.
Diana and Jake
Industrious Rachel
Nathan is a goofball, just like his dad
It was fun to watch kids at Christmas again, more exciting than the polite and simple gift giving with all the adults. We survived the dog pee, the power outages, and the snow storm. And tomorrow, we do it again! Ah, the joy of the American family.

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