Sunday, December 26, 2010

My new adventure

I'm starting on my next big adventure. For all that it is the supposedly normal thing to do, it feels like the craziest thing possible. Next to this, going to Africa solo, or completing my PhD field work on a minuscule budget (sometimes solo as well), well, they are nothin.

I think I'm going to try to buy a house.

Since the market is so low right now, and it is comparable to rent vs buy, it sort of makes sense. Plus, I really want my own place where my garden cant be ripped up according to a landlord's whim.

So, I met with a loan officer (who is really cool by the way) and found out it is actually possible. Then I started looking. Since I'm at the borderline of the borderline of possibility, it is pretty dismal. Seriously dismal. Even vile in some cases. But, I have seen a few possibilities.

This house was adorable. But it is at the top of my price range. It has a tiny second bedroom - and I need the insurance of being able to get a roommate to make this happen. It is also on a very busy street, and while it is cute, it is falling apart. And, they have linoleum over hardwood in the bedrooms! Obviously fixable, but I would have no money.
This house is kind of cute on the outside, but we walked in, and immediately turned and walked back out again. Can you say stinky?
This one seemed perfect. Way cuter inside than I expected, with an added bonus of a little cottage in the back. I could rent that out, and not have to share my living space! But, the cottage was a little sketch, and probably not legal - they city could object any time. And the house itself had issues that would have to be fixed by the owner before the FHA loan would go through. But, it is bank owned, so no go.

The cottage

The house itself

Now this one I liked.
It was a funky old house that had been remodeled.
The kitchen was great (finally)
But, it only has one bedroom. The whole roommate insurance thing again. It is frustratingly close, but since my summer employment is not guaranteed, I'm not comfy with the idea of having even an $850 a month mortgage without that extra income. sigh...

Now these next houses were all duds. And I didn't even take pictures of most of the duds

This one was cute, if you had tons of money to fix it up

The floor bounced when you walked on it Ever heard of taking the dogs outside to pee? The most bizarre remodel ummmm, sketch. that's about all I can say Then I found this house It's not the cutest thing ever, but it actually isn't that bad in person.

The floors are funThe kitchen has an interesting start, but needs some finishes. And some appliances. And a floor. But that's not impossible...
Even the yard has potential, not great, but it is fenced in and I could work on it.
The best thing though is that it is a foreclosure and therefore super super cheap
I will admit, this one is tempting.
We shall see

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