Sunday, March 13, 2016

Red Rock Canyon (and Vegas)

So a Vegas hotel room and a dry night later, we got out of the city as soon as we could and went to Red Rock Canyon.

So did everybody else apparently, but it was still pretty
This is Red spring

I love Joshua trees

So yep, red rocks
called calico rocks

Looks like an apartment building

The creek at the bottom of the canyon was sweetly green

Looking out from the calico rocks

Hike to the keystone thrust
I think the thrust is the thing on the left, but we didn't do the whole hike due to time

The really cool thing was the group of Bighorn Sheep we stumbled across.  Can you see them?

Here is a zoomed in view

It was also interesting to see the pattern of the fire a few years ago.

Pretty place

We went to a Cirque du Soleil show that night, and walked the strip.  Ugh, so not my thing. 

Back to the park the next day to finish my grading.  Not a bad view to look up from work for, huh?

Then a celebratory hike up first canyon (term papers graded!)

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