Monday, October 22, 2007

Fall color

I went to my grandmother's house this weekend. Turns out, half my family had the same idea. My aunt Karen came up from Napa, and Dave and Linda escaped from Fremont. Mini reunion I guess. I brought the Mitchmeister, with a little bit of trepidation, since Dave and Linda were bringing their little cuties, Tag and Chase. Seemingly not a problem, except the fact that Chase has little man syndrome, and Mitch could eat him in one little bite. In the end, Mitch hardly even noticed them, and man did that bug Chase!We went for a hike on Saturday, to see the aspens. It was a beautiful drive just to get there, and though we almost missed the aspens, there was still plenty of color to make us happy. Even without leaves, the trees were lovely.We took all the dogs along, Mitch actually behaved amazingly well. He went a little nose happy, smelling absolutely anything and everything, but did a good job staying with us and staying out of trouble. It may have helped that I was giving him treats every time he came when called, though by the end he didn't even want them.
Typical boy
This is my aunt Linda, looking cute as she rivals me in taking too many pictures. but, come on! it was pretty!

Karen tried to collect a bunch of leaves for her table at home, I thought she matched the color scheme pretty darn well!
Some of the trees around the aspens ended up looking like Christmas trees, all decorated with yellow bulbs.
The boys weren't quite so interested in running through the woods, but they were cute (even if they are officially 'little dogs'.When we got to the creek at the end of our little jaunt, I realized that I had been there before, loooong time ago when I was a whining little kid being drug along by my parents. Actually, I always loved romping through the forest, but it was that long ago. Interesting how that one little view brought everything back though. The dogs loved the open space. Whatever Mitch is mixed with, he seems to have inherited the Labrador love of water, jumping right into that freezing stream.
There was also some disturbing consumption of unmentionables by sneaky pups, but I don't want to think about that really, especially since I got some puppy kisses later that day. eeewww!
To top off the color, on the way home we stopped at Big Trees park. Not to see the giant redwoods, (which are spectacular if you have never experienced them) but to admire the dogwoods (the lesser known spectacle of the park). The whole drive down we could see them, catching little pockets of sunlight in the dark forest and lighting up like bursts of flame. It was stunning.
Mitch wanted desperately to chase the squirrels, but since it was a dog free park, he was stuck with me.
After hanging out with the fam, having typical Nelsen fiery discussions and too much wine, Grandma put us to work winterizing her yard. I didn't get it together enough to get a picture of everyone, but here are Dave, Grandma, and Linda in front of G-ma's own spectacular dogwood.

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