Monday, March 12, 2007


Well, I seem to have all the luck. Another flat tire on the bus, of course, but we did finally get to Cusco. While the bus was stopped, I went a little crazy taking pictures, `cause there was nothing else to do. It was fun though, even if we didnt stop in the most photogenic place.
More tiresWaiting...
Pretty flowerCusco itself is a pretty cool town, lots of fun to walk around in. I didnt really spend much time here, but enough to get a feel for it. It would be fun to have more time here, but thats my life, running around all the time!

1 comment:

Jan said...

What a rich life of experiences you are having, amazing to see all you have done and places you have gone while I was busy working, no time to check the blog, and now I sit tranported and tranfixed
Thank you for my chair side adventures