Monday, January 28, 2008

The coolest grandma ever!

I went snowshoeing with my 80 year old grandmother yesterday! How cool is that?

I took the Jakonator up to her house this weekend, to get a much needed break. Jake wasn't so sure what he though of snow that went up to his chest, until I threw him in it. then he had a blast. So much so actually, that he was a pain in the patoosh.

I love this dog, he is wonderful, but he is absolutely terrible hiking. On leash, he pulls like a maniac (not at home, but here... there were so many new and interesting things!). Off leash, he listens, for a while... then, ha!

I like this picture because his devilish little eyes are glowing.

And this one? I think he looks like the big black wolf leaping through the forest, off to eat innocent little children or something.

I was thinking for a while about trying to keep this one, he is so cute and sweet, absolutely perfect at school and on the run there. But, I love this whole hiking, outdoorsy thing. I need a dog that will not be a total psycho out there. I was thinking about this a little. I really am sad that I didn't keep Mitch, I really loved that dog. But, he was really difficult to deal with here in Davis. My house was too small, my life too busy, my office mates too, well... sane. Basically, Mitch was the dog I want for the life I want, but he didn't work so well now. Now Jake, he's perfect for the life I've got, but terrible for the one I want. grrrrrrr

I kind of feel like I've been dating in the dog world. I keep bringing em home, giving em a trial run, moving on. Jake here is # 17 if you can believe it. I've had 17 dogs come through my house. That means I've had to give 17 of them up!! (though it does mean I'm getting more action in the dog world than the men one! ;)

One of these days..........

1 comment:

Mawgui said...

I recently took mawgui in for a trim. She had been a little matty on her belly and bum so they shaved it off. Now when she lifts her tail its as if I'm getting a show. I cant help but laugh at the amount of dog action or more pointedly non action I'm getting.