Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Lovely day

After taking Jake to the Farmer's market adoption event and doing my thing with the lab rescue people, Stephanie came and got me and we spent the rest of the day together. Since it was such a nice afternoon (I swear California has a pre-spring spring at the end of January, then it's going to get all nasty again till march), we decided to go for a hike. We went back to Cold canyon, a place I've posted about before. It was beautiful of course, but also very different than the place I went to last summer. (not surprising, but hey! let me run with it) There was mist and fog rolling all over everything, ferns growing, green hills (in California!), and birds everywhere.
Jake loved it. He had to smell everything. He is one goofy lovable teddy bear!

Of course, we made it back just before it got dark, I seem to have a pattern at this place.

All in all, it was grand. Oh, and amusingly, we ran into Eliska's son Honza there. He was out with some friends and their kids. Amusingly, we ran into them just after I had brought him up to tell Stephanie a funny story involving the man. ha!

1 comment:

Mawgui said...

omfg thats sooo pretty. Jeeze I wish I was there.