Sunday, July 5, 2009

Wild and crazy adventures

Well, I have tons of lovely pictures to post of Finland, but that will have to wait till I can actually plug my computer in (the plug converter I was using was Dasa's, so I have a week sans power). But, I had to fill you in on our recent adventures. I came to Finland for a conference (fun stuff, though I'm a little sick of DOC), travelled before with Dasa and Jarka and was supposed to travel after with Eliska (a few other people canceled so it is just Eliska and I). Our first night, I got rather sick, and Eliska got really sick. So, I spent yesterday in the hospital waiting room, and today on the computer emailing her family to let them know what is going on. It isn't actually that bad, just horribly uncomfortable for her. But, 2 nights in the hospital and there goes our vacation. Eliska is even more disappointed than I, at least I had the 4 days before the conference. I got to see a pretty real slice of Finnish people in the waiting room though. I'm very ready to go home now.

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