Monday, February 26, 2007

Mar Chiquita

I actually have access to a computer that works today! Dont have many exciting pictures, but I will show you what I saw just for fun. We spent the night in Parana last night, in a pretty fancy hotel. See, we got into town in the late afternoon, extremely hungry and tired after a long day of mosquitos and sweat... Of the three of us, I am the one who likes driving the least, and guess who was behind the wheel? Yeah, so I was getting pretty frazzled trying to navigate through this town. Did I tell you that Argentines drive like crazy? Or at least, I dont get it. So, when we found a hotel with a room, we took it, no questions. It was a pretty cool place, but the best part was the view from the roof (we snuck up in the morning after breakfast). Cool church, no? Today we drove to Mar Chiquita. I am learning to drive a bit more like an Argentinian, for better or worse... drive in the center of whatever space you have, be it a lane, a road, a field ;) Pass everything and anything, stick your nose out and go... I miss Cesar cause he always drove!
We didnt have much luck in finding my plant today, but did find this beautiful river. The birds were amazing, but I really am not equiped enough (or patient enough) for those kinds of pictures.

We then watched the sunset, this place is absolutely lovely in the evening!

Dinner tonight was horrible, I really pray we dont get sick, but there is a breeze, it isnt boilingly hot, and life is good. Lots of love to you all.

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