Monday, November 19, 2007


Morgan came to visit me this weekend. It is so nice to have somebody come and break my monotony. Morgan is an old buddy of mine, from the very first days of college. He's got a break between school and a job, so he made the drive from Corvallis, lucky me!

So, Saturday, I drug him around my haunts... volunteering him at the market lab rescue booth
Taking him to the dog park with the new foster dog

This is a pugle, pretty dang cute for a small dog!

Then we ate good food and took a walk around my neighborhood to look at the stars (not to mention puppy needs).

The next day he took me on one of his favorite activities, panning for gold.Unfortunately for us, the best spot was across the river, that was cold! Morgan had to carry Theo across too, because the poor boy had stitches and wasn't supposed to get wet. Morgan didn't have too much luck, and the dog was an absolute brat that I had to spend my day dealing with instead of mucking around with Morgonian. And then? We had to cross back. This may look very tranquil and beautiful, but...Poor Morgan and Theo went for an unexpected and very chilly swim!

I felt sooo bad, but at the same time, laughed my head off. The look on Morgan's face as he realized he was going down... He almost had it, but no. and the dog just sat there, curled up in his arms till finally Morgan let him go and made him swim. Pretty likely his first try at that. Let's just say that Morgan wasn't so fond of Theo after that, though he is recovering well. Deserved his wine that night, for sure!And this is what Morgan has to say about my new found picture taking obsession. Ok, ok, I admit I'm pretty bad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up on species. We looked at the sedges. It was fun. I'll add you to my blogroll if you dont mind.