Monday, November 19, 2007


I've got a new foster, though NOT one I can keep under normal circumstances. Theo is a thoroughly adorable little boy, only about 6 months old and cute as can be. So cute that Morgan called him The-adorable, and it stuck. But, he is such a little brat, pushing the boundaries all the time. Standard puppy stuff (though he's big enough that he can cause some damage before he desists), but I don't have time for dealing with a baby! I cant bring him to school because he barks his little head off (and it's deep and loud!) whenever he is not directly under my feet. Or, Morgan's too for that matter, he seems to have decided that both of us must be around at all times. Last night, we were in the bedroom watching a movie, with the gate up to protect the poor cat... and he threw a fit. The worst part is, he won when we went to shut him up, but I can't wait out his little tantrum. My head would explode for one, but more importantly, I could get in deep *%$#. So, he gets to stay while Morgan is here to keep him company during the day, but will be headed to another foster soon. Regardles, soooooooo cute

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