Friday, November 23, 2007

Turkey day!

Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday. Rather than subject you to sappy drivel about all that I am grateful for, I am just going to show you some pictures of my lovely family that I got to spend time with. But just so you know, I am grateful for a whole heck of a lot!

This is my aunt Karen, she knows more about plants than I'll ever know, and I'm supposedly getting a PhD in plant biology! These are the Nelsen/Zetterholm girls, my cousins Polly and Katie, Aunt Linda, and Linda's mom Bev
Polly and Luke got married last year
Polly was born 5 days before me, a fact she never lets me forget! We had a cribbage tournament, a bit of a Thanksgiving tradition in this family. Luke is so good he almost isn't allowed to play against the rest of us.
There was also a little bit of dancing. Luke got a little wild, I must say. ;)
And Katie even helped make part of the Thanksgiving meal.
It's so much fun to hang out with Katie again, especially in a clean, English speaking environment where the food wont make you sick (unless you overindulge!). Not to knock our adventures of course, but still!
Yes, my cousins are the most wonderful beautiful girls ever.

Ok, maybe a little drivel. I'm grateful for: My family, my advisor who thinks that seeing the beauty of the world is just as important as the science we slave away for, my cat who is slowly loosing weight and becoming less like a black furry ball of lard and more like a real cat (that actually cuddles and chases string! who'd of thought?), my little garden that still has little flashes of color to make living in Davis a little less hard, my labmates that remind me what it is to be a girl, my students who give me reasons to look forward to coming to school, Cesar who is helping me finally conquer the Spanish language, all of the silly little homeless labs that come in and make my life a little more insane and a lot more wonderful, and my darlin Katerina and her little Bella Rose, for all the obvious (and not so obvious) reasons. I'm sure there are many more things I am exceedingly grateful for, but I am going to leave it at that for the moment. Lots o love to you all!

1 comment:

Jan said...

Thanks for the family sharing.
I'm not as good at picture taking, so no pics of your Grandma and our little family gathering
Love, mom