Monday, February 12, 2007

Argentinian Patagonia

It is amazing how things work out sometimes. When we were crossing the border into Argentina (which was a pain in the butt by the way!), Cesar ran into an old friend of his who happened to be a truck driver. Since the boys hadn't seen each other for ages and had actually lost contact, David and his mechanic Alfredo offered us a ride north so they could catch up. It was an incredible trip, if a bit cozy. They even stopped and let me collect my plant twice! Much better than taking a bus, for sure. We went out dancing, partied in the truck, and Katie even got to drive!

The truck
Katie driving Sunset in Saramiento My work Crew Sometimes, you just get stuck On the road


Jan said...

interesting view of the road. The trees look like an orchard pattern, are they fruit bearing? your mud looks thick enough to lose the team in tag Katie, an 18 wheeler??????!!!!
That blustery day for outside work looked like my day monday. at least I'm it cold like Oregon? wow, the adventures you two are having
good luck
Love Jan

Jan said...

Thanks for the stories and taking time to keep us posted