Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Spontaneous adventure

I went to Yosemite this weekend with a bunch of boys. It was a totally last minute decision and admittedly kind of crazy after the exhausting week I had with my experiment, but hey, it's Yosemite! It was a bit of a shock to the system to be around so many boys after my time in the girly wetland lab, but it was also tons of fun.
I know this picture is basically the same as the first one, but I couldn't decide, so you get both. It was spectacularly beautiful there (duh).

The group that I joined was a bunch of climber boys. Yosemite is a happy place for climbers. And, to be totally crude, a happy place for the girl who watched them. ;)

I even climbed a little bit myself. If you blow this picture up, and look really close, you can see me up on the rock.
I made it to the top, but I must admit, I was quite happy to reach the ground. That rock was hot. (hope this doesn't freak you out too much Mom, but see, I made it safe)

Interesting belay technique.
If you think the view is nice from down here, you should see it from the top. Not that I was going to carry my camera up there! This is Erik and Patrick standing with me.
Not a terrible way to spend a weekend, no?

1 comment:

Erik and Monica said...

Heather- Thanks for posting the great pics! All of Heather's friends and family should know that she is a NATURAL climber and scaled two awkward routes with no problem! Erik