Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Experimental torture

It has been a crazy week plus of harvesting my big common garden experiment
As you can see, everything has grown quite a bit. You might also notice the sun is setting. Well, it was one of those kinds of weeks.
We had to take water samples from every pot.
Wear protective clothing
Deal with funky bugs (any idea what this is anyone?)
Be a little silly, just to keep sane.
Recruit random people (ah the theme of my PhD) to carry heavy pots. I think these things weigh around 40-50 lbs. yippie! There were 216 of the buggerdly things. Buff girls.
Look at those roots! That is the amazing Huanchaco. This silly plant just kicked but compared to all the others. Not so fun to clean though. Those roots are harder to clean than a child's hair with gum, I swear!
Lots of opportunities to get slimy.
And man, did those plants stink sometimes!
Ah, the joy of working sun up to sundown! My darlin Stephanie was sure a trouper though.

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