Friday, September 24, 2010

Zambezi River

I took a little sunset river cruise on the Zambezi river above the falls on my second night. They recommend you stay on the boat, ha. There were some really neat birds. I believe this is an African Darter and some egrets.
An Egyptian goose
Another Darter
We saw a lot of hippos on this cruise, but I swear they could tell when a camera was pointed at them. They would be hanging out, heads out of the water for ages. Then, when you would point your camera, this is the picture you would get. The shwoop as the water closed over their head. Ha! Monitor lizards
It was very pretty.

As the sun set, we came across a family of elephants by the river's edge.
For the potty minded people out there, this picture is hilarious
Again, no justice to the sunset, but I like the pictures anyways.

I was on a boat similar to this one.

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