Friday, September 24, 2010

Zambian animals

When I got to my second hotel in Livingstone, I was greeted by the sight of a whole herd of elephants coming down to the Marumba river for a drink.

It was pretty spectacular to watch.
Can you count them? I think more than 20 were there at one time.
Later, Ashraf, the owner of (or son of the owner of) Kaazmein Lodge came back to pick me up and take me on a little tour of the local area. He had the day off, and I guess had nothing better to do then spend the day taking some tourist around. Hey, I was happy.
The first thing we saw once we entered the national park as this hippo. It was very hot, and this guy did not look too good. We were pretty sure he was on his way out since hippos don't really leave the water in the heat of the day. Poor guy.
Impala ladies Waterbuck
More impala. I thought these were so pretty. Everything else loves them too, yum, dinner.
Baby giraffe
Ashraf loved to make the giraffes run.
It was pretty cool being able to see these animals with just Ashraf to share it with. From my later experiences being crammed into a big truck with cameras beeping and being shoved in my face, I really came to appreciate this simple experience.

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