Thursday, September 13, 2007

Dia de no trabajo

Well, we tried to work, but we couldn't find my plant. Or, we thought we did, but it was actually another species that looks very similar, not the best of news, because it turns out this species is much more common than mine. But, I don't really care because the town we went to , Zacapu, was very beautiful, and we had lots of fun walking through the wetland looking for my plant. Parts of the wetland were floating islands, its very interesting to walk on ground that bounces and leaks! Resulted in some very muddy feet.Esteban, dealing with his own muddy feet.
There were lots of tiny little farms on the edges of the wetland, quite picturesque.
This picture is for Holie and her love of goats, thought she might enjoy them now that she lives in the great big city.And, another pretty flowerThe day got even better too. On the bus ride back, which by the way passed through some very pretty places with amazing wildflowers... we picked up a young man from a tiny little town. He had a guitar and began to play and sing. He had an amazing voice, and he was even pretty to look at! It was a lot of fun. I love that about Mexico, there is music everywhere.

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