Monday, September 10, 2007


I arrived safe and sound to Morelia Mexico last night. I'm here to continue collecting my plant for my PhD, exciting stuff. It was quite a journey, from Oregon in a car Saturday, to spending an entire day in a plane/airport on Sunday, ugh. Had some drama the night before I left too. Thought I lost my wallet, had to clean some stuff at home, it was pretty stressful. But, Shari brought me dinner (lifesaver!), and I eventually made it here. And my book lasted the entire plane ride, and was interesting! Unfortunately, I forgot to bring an extra, so the evenings are going to be interesting with only Mexican TV to help me wind down. weeeee
No pictures yet, but soon. It is raining a lot here, didn't bring enough warm stuff (though I did remember the raincoat, so I'm not a complete doofus).
The biggest thing is the fact that writing this is the first real english Ive had in 24 hours. So don't fault my grammar! I am totally functioning in spanish, and it is giving me a headache. The good news is that I can though. Barely, but...

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