Monday, September 17, 2007


Friday we woke up really early (6:30 - not so bad for some of you, but ¡early! for me) to head out to the field, but our driver drank too much the night before so we ended up staying in town and I got a nice guided tour.

Main street in the old part of town

Public Library

This place has an incredible collection of ancient books, but very few books you are actually allowed to touch.
The outside is pretty interesting too.
This statue/fountain is famous here, representing the bounty of the region, with lovely ladies and all the fruits and veggies that are produced here.Dulces!
And this? this is a high school if you can believe it.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Ay, ay, ay, the books! The market! The buildings! But above all, those books. Drool, drool.