Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Chile- Work!

I finally got some work done! Yippie! I feel validated, or at least less guilty for having fun in South America. I went to the coast just west of Santiago with one of Kongo´s students, Cesar. He was an absolute blast! We also had a driver, Celso, made me feel quite offical and pampered (until I got in the water!). It was a very efficient day, we got two sites done and got back before dark. With a 2 hour drive each way! I am sunburned, smell like a rotton egg, and Kongo keeps talking about taking a cab home because he doesnt want to be seen on the metro with me, but I am happy. Cesar and I worked very well together and were immediatly teasing each other without mercy. He kept complaining about the tiny little stain I got on his shirt by hitting him with a totora stem, while I gave him crap about wearing a white (WHITE!) shirt to do field work in a wetland! tee hee
Here are some pictures of me working to convince those of you that I am just out on a pleasure jaunt. By the way, that is my plant in the background for those of you who are curious about it.

This is Cesar

Yes, I forgot my quadrat, do you like my resourcefulness for making this one?

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