Friday, January 26, 2007


When I first arrived to Pucon, all you could see was clouds. According to all local knowledge, there are never summer storms in this area during the summer. much to Honza´s chagrin (he just erected a tower on top of the mountain with lots of electronic equipment), I brought one with me. It was pretty darn cool. The next day, it was a tease Then the little hat of clouds that lite up at night to the accompanyment of the giant comet streaking across the sky. Yes, this volcano is definitely live. Smokes during the day and glows at night... wow
Finally, it shows its face, for a moment. Pretty, no? Here are some views from the house.
This is Honza, Eliska´s son, and the builder of the house where I stayed. And this is Eliska, enjoying a stolen plum (as did I, yum!) Pretty stuff
Doing laundry. Yep, Eliska carried wet (from the muddy work we did) laundry down to the neighbors, then carried wet (but clean!) laundry back up. What a hike!

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