Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Panama - the Colonial City

Colonial Panama City is a very interesting place. There are some incredibly beautiful old buildings in all the glory of tropical Spanish colonialism (I say glory in terms of architecture only). There are also some amazing ruins of old churches, and the old presidential building that the US bombed to smithereens (because we didnt like the guy we put into power, shocking!) is pretty darn fascinating with all of the trees reclaiming the walls. There are many building that have been abandoned, but their walls still stand, pretending to shelter people. Then there are the buildings (and I really cant perceive the difference in stability) that have all sorts of little cubbies filled with families of all sorts. The people wandering the streets here were incredibly beautiful. They have all the amazing features of the Caribbean mix of Africa, America, and Europe. The kids could break your heart just by smiling at you, and the adults hanging out in the doorways or in groups on the streets have faces that tell you their entire history (if you are perceptive enough to read them). Alas, I am way to shy, or way to afraid of offending someone, to take these pictures.


Michele said...

hey! this is katherine's cousin-in-law michele. these pictures are GORGEOUS even sideways. what kind of camera are you using?

dragonpipes said...

I've got a Nikon D40, fancy shmancy. Maybe someday I will even learn how to use it!