Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Berry picking

Dasa's friend Honza, remember him from last time? was kind enough to take pity on my lonely self during this time of isolation. When I told him I missed riding my bike to work, he got all excited and borrowed a bike for me for this afternoon's adventure.
I think it was a bit more adventurous than either of us had really planned, since today was a day full of thundershowers. Five minutes into the ride, we had to huddle under a tree for a while. Ate bananas and talked plants, so it was actually fun.
He originally had grand ideas of going to Dvici Kamen, the ruined castle I went to last March. Between the rain and the sad state of the bikes (road bikes don't do so well on gravel roads! plus, mine was 10X too big for me, pedaled with my tippietoes). We ended up just exploring the old military base by town.
It was very wet and we actually got stuck in a little swamp. So, we turned around and found this little place. And how lucky was that? Look at the goodies!
Wild strawberries and blueberries! How scrumptious!
After an hour of funny contortions and many mosquito bites, we each had enough to take home for a midnight snack. And purple hands to show for it. Isn't life grand?

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