Tuesday, June 10, 2008


As I've said before, the greatest thing about this trip is that it allowed me to go to Bara's wedding. I was so very excited. It was in this hotel in Prague. Dasa and I had a little adventure getting there. It was on top of a hill, and we had to walk through some slightly sketchy areas, in heels, on cobblestones... but we made it, just in time.
Here is the lovely couple, now official.

Dancing together, the first dance as a married couple. It was some 80s rock music. I forget which, but if I remembered, you would laugh.
They looked very cute. By this time, Bara was starting to relax a little and enjoy herself. Wedding nerves!
Vojta, contemplating... realities?
These are traditional little cakes for Czech weddings. Yummy poppy seed things. There were lots of little cakes actually, sugar rush!
Dasa, Bara, and I
It was a lovely wedding!

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