Tuesday, June 23, 2009


The third stop on my trip was Piran, on the coast. Slovenia only has a tiny section of coast, but this little town is just absolutely lovely.
Amusingly, I started out my stay there with a bit of a shock. When I walked into my hostel room, a half naked, embarrassingly handsome man poked his head out of a tangle of sheets and said something along the lines of hello. Who really knows though. weeee
Turns out, in addition to his superficial attributes, Dan is a lovely human being. (blushing yet Dan?) We ended up spending a wonderful day together:

wondering over the boats decked out in black flags (any ideas?)

having a drink in the main square and exploring the twisty streets/alleys of Piran
A monastery The old city walls.
Piran used to be part of the Venice city state (or whatever the official title of that type of government is)
lots of blue water, red roofs, and wonderful places to get lost
the church tower
The Adriatic
Pretty stuff
The sunset was interesting because it sort of got swallowed up by the approaching storm. There was a guy playing really bad guitar on the sidewalk
after the sun set, we watched the lightening hit Venice across the Adriatic

In the morning, the storm had arrived. With a vengeance. The main square was flooded. Umbrellas floating and all. The tiny streets were now rivers (though an upside of cobblestones is you get to now almost keep your feet dry on the same stones that tripped you up the night before)
Quite a change from the day before


Anonymous said...

I want a copy of the monastary angled picture and the castle in the cave one, Give it to me. Gi ve it to m,e.! -- K

dragonpipes said...

you do realize that you can click on any picture and it should blow up. you can steal those. otherwise I will give you the full picture later my dear