Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I received the sad news today, that one of my favorite creatures has passed on. Dear Wilson was a big, elegant, intelligent, beautiful beast. He was the only llama that I really ever made progress with when I was thrown into training them (with no aptitude or knowledge on my side, for sure!). He was always gentle yet very strong. He was almost 20 years old though, not too bad for a llama I guess.
Then, within a week, his buddy Custer lost the will to live and also passed away. I am in the process of searching for a picture of that wonderfully surly beast.
All in all, pretty sad news. But you have to love this picture, no?

1 comment:

Jan said...

every time I see llamas, I think of those two, how sad, but, think of the wonderful lives they had on that beautilul farm we had