Saturday, March 15, 2008


Today, along with a visit to look at peasant houses, we went to the village of Třeboň. It is quite possibly the carp capital of the world. The whole region is covered in carp ponds. There are fish statues on every corner. Amusing

The Rosenberg family, the same as lived in česky Krumlov, controlled this town. This is part of the chateau , a much simpler building, but still quite pretty.
Peacocks wandered the grounds
A renaissance building in town
Colorful houses
A brewery, Czech specialty. (Budějovice is actually where the original "Budweiser" was brewed, but then anheuser bush stole the name and they are still fighting over it - actually, the czechs couldn't care less, their beer is better. but Anheuser bush feels threatened by the people whose name they stole, so...)
Hugo monster and his 'polite smile' the one he gives us when he thinks we are being silly, but might as well amuse us with a smile.
This statue was very strange, sitting in the middle of the stream. I really liked it for some reason though, not sure why.

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